Shred It
The Pelosi Speech Shredding: An Ominous Sign of the Future
February 13, 2020

As President Trump makes his victory lap upon the conclusion of his “Witch Hunt,” congressional Democrats have only one thing to blame for his acquittal: themselves.
This frustration manifested itself when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) tore her copy of the State of the Union Address cleanly in half at the conclusion of the President’s speech last week. The dramatic spectacle – which came on the eve of the impeachment vote – was a sign of the rough week the Democrats were about to endure.
While the Republican senators most likely did not vote with complete impartiality, everyone knew acquittal was inevitable in the Republican-controlled Senate – except, it seems, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif) and the House Democrats who impeached the President with so much gusto.
Pelosi foresaw acquittal. She delayed handing off the articles of impeachment to the Senate. She knew permission for witness testimonies was a long shot. But Schiff and his cronies in the House were steadfast in their determination to remove Trump from office.
The impeachment proceedings continued the narrative that Democrats have been pushing for three years: Trump is unfit for office.
It started immediately after the 2016 election, when the investigation into potential collusion with Russia began. That continued until the Mueller Report settled nothing, as both sides interpreted it to best fit their own opinions. That was subsequently overshadowed by a Department of Justice report in December which revealed that the FBI had committed several errors in its surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.
For over a year now the House Ways and Means Committee has been in a legal battle to obtain Trump’s New York state tax returns, as well as his business and personal federal tax returns. House Democrats claim they need the returns to conduct oversight and ensure that he hasn’t performed any illegal tax maneuvers.
While Trump’s refusal to share his tax returns is shady, the battle is simply another example of the Democrats’ constant search to go to whatever means necessary to bring down the President. Yes, Trump’s polarizing personality gives him a lot of enemies, but at some point at least one of the sides has to decide to grow up and take the high road.
Then there is the phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the event that led us to this point. The President may claim that his phone call with Zelensky was “perfect,” but it wasn’t. While it did not directly result in an investigation into the Bidens or prevent Ukraine from receiving military aid, the President threatened to leverage his power.
The exchange was a big deal. It resulted in only the third impeachment trial of a president in US history.
But how could the House Democrats expect a completely impartial trial in the Senate after three years of spewing their utter disdain for the Trump Administration? How could they not foresee acquittal and a massive political victory for Trump less than a year before the general election?
Those elected officials in Washington are human — despite what one may think — and humans crave revenge. So how did the GOP exact vengeance after three years of ridicule from the Democrats for bringing the orange Twitter troll into office? They kept him there.
No matter how concerned any of the Republican senators who voted against removal from office were by Trump’s Ukrainian dealings, the Democrats’ narrative had worn them down.
The Democrats had cried wolf one too many times.
The constant attacks on Trump mitigated the severity of the trial for the GOP and led to an impeachment vote without witness testimony that fell almost exactly along party lines.
The impeachment backfired on the Democrats. But it also teaches a crucial lesson to all of the elected officials in Washington whose hands we put the fate of our country in: our union cannot function on the extreme and childish partisanship we are experiencing.
It was evident in the impeachment. Trump and the GOP called the trial a “partisan hoax” while the Democrats claimed that the vote to block witnesses in the Senate was a gross display of partisanship by the Republicans.
It was evident at the State of the Union. At the beginning of the address, Trump avoided shaking Pelosi’s hand. This wasn’t terribly off kilter from the President’s typical volatile behavior, but Pelosi decided to steal the show at the end. How did she handle the realization that Trump was about to be acquitted and receive a major boost to his campaign?
She shredded the speech.
These are two of the most powerful figures in the most powerful country in the world behaving like children in a culmination of three years of partisan bickering. We elected these people to promote the common good and foster growth, yet they can’t even look each other in the eye and have a conversation.
If our nation’s leaders can’t interact with those from the other side of the aisle, it is then that we are screwed. Why try to fix problems when we can just whine about who’s sitting in the Oval Office or post Twitter rants about our political rivals? Why even attempt to resolve conflict?
If you don’t like something, just shred it.
Opinion • Feb 14, 2020 at 9:58 am
Stop acting like everything is Trumps fault, a person! Democrats are acting just as divisive. Liberals got mad at Vince Vaughn when he shook trumps hand. They are upset when people show the president common courtesy. You tell me who’s really pulling this country apart. The media fails to report the harassment and violence against trump supporters because that doesn’t fit their precious narrative tbat orange man bad and orange man supporters are bad and everyone who opposes them are doing the right thing.
A person • Feb 14, 2020 at 8:38 am
How can you write a bipartisan article when every other word encourages divisive thinking? The house can be reffered to as just that. The house. The senate is the senate.
The biggest problem in this country is that everyone feels they need to choose a side and then talk trash about the opposing. We are all in this for the same reason. We all want peace and prosperity for this country. We will not reach that goal when the soul of america is a mess of hatred, loathing and fear.
The potus at the moment (and for the past term) has made very little progress compared to the damage he has done in dividing the country. He uses partisan, divisive language in every sentence (or tweet), constantly encouraging animosity between the people.
This needs to stop. This is why he can’t be in office. Most everyone, regardless of their party, is angry. Angry with the administration, the house, the senate, the people, the media, you name it. You cannot run a country when everything that you say and do causes tension between the people.
The past four years have been full of hatred and resentment and barely any helpful change. The economy is not the most important thing in this country. That is an outdated and sheltered way of thinking at this time. The problems america now faces must be met by an administration capable of compassion, empathy and personal sacrifice. Trump has made it clear that he has none of these qualities, nor does he recognize their importance.
The unfortunate truth is that you are only as strong as your weakest link. Society has to move as slow as the slowest person, without judgement.
We need someone, Republican, Democrat, independent, whatever, to give us all hope and strength to use for the greater good of the people and the country. We will not reach this if we have people in power, on both sides, constantly spitting toxic and unhelpful words used as ammunition to degrade, demean and insult others in this country. This is not a fight between parties, this is a war against hate, injustice and selfishness.
We all must do our part or we WILL suffer the consequences.
Another Republican • Feb 13, 2020 at 2:58 pm
Great point, A Republican! To add to your point, traditionally, the Speaker says: ‘Members of Congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the President of the United States.’ However, Speaker Pelosi merely said, ‘Members of Congress, the President of the United States.’ I think this takes importance away from Trump’s refusal to shake Pelosi’s hand. Great writing, Mr. Peters!
A Republican • Feb 13, 2020 at 1:38 pm
Wow! Ryan, this is a great piece! Very well written and so true, down to the point. Great job! There is just one thing I would like to say – regarding the handshaking controversy at the State of the Union, President Trump did not even shake Vice President Mike Pence’s hand. There must be a misunderstanding with the whole Nancy Pelosi situation if he didn’t shake either one of their hands. Just a thought, amazing article though!