In Your Opinion
How young is too young to get a smart phone?

November 12, 2019
In Your Opinion asks Scouts to sound off on the topic of the week. Up first: How young is too young to get a smart phone?
According to Inc., on average, a child gets his or her first smartphone at age 10. That same study shows that by age 12, 50% of children have social media accounts.
How young is too young to get a phone?
“3rd grade–because you don’t need it and you’re gonna break it and you waste your parents’ money.”
How old were you when you got a phone?
“4th grade–because you’re in more activities and for me there were 2 different campuses so you had to communicate with friends and family. Sports got more competitive and I had to find rides.”
What’s the right age to get a phone?
“Beginning of middle school because kids are still trying to figure out who they are and meet people and with a phone that ruins the process of doing that.”
How old were you when you got a phone?
“6th grade–to communicate with my parents.”
What’s the right age to get a phone?
“4th grade–because you’re doing more things on your own and you’re more independent as your traveling. Technology is so commonly used and it’s really bad how it’s the only thing they want to do.”
How old were you when you got a phone?
“2nd grade–because I got it right before going to my brothers senior spring break in Atlantis. My parents agreed to get me a phone because I wanted to do a lot of stuff on my own because they were very busy.”
How young is too young to get a phone?
“Anything below 4th grade because at that point in your life I don’t think you’re independent enough to need a phone.”
How old were you when you got a phone?
“5th grade–because I was going into middle school and you have a lot more responsibility and independence compared to being in elementary school, like riding bikes around town with friends more often.”
What’s the right age for your first phone?
“9-10 years old–because you can get a phone and put restrictions on it. They go over to friends’ houses and they need to communicate.”
At what age will you give your son a phone?
“12 years old–just because that’s when I want my kid to have one.”