LFHS 1935

LFHS: Back in Time

It’s surprising how little students know about the history of our high school. Yes, there are tiny things that most students are aware of, like how the football field used to be inside the track at East Campus, that the school was featured in the 1980 film Ordinary People, or that Vince Vaughn graduated from LFHS. But most of us walk through the halls each day carrying no real knowledge about the history of our school.

Through this time of remote learning, we’ve all started to appreciate the opportunities we are presented with when we are in the building. By learning more about the origination of the high school, and the activities that kids participated in in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, we can immerse ourselves in the lives of these students and grow our appreciation for our school.

Additionally, it’s interesting to see how this is not the first time since 1935 in which the students have had an altered year due to the unusual circumstances we are presented with. The students who attended the school in the early 1940s were presented with something even greater – World War 2.

Let’s take a look back into the first three decades of operation at Lake Forest High School to explore the reason behind the opening of LFHS, the things students did for fun, and the ways in which they adapted to the US’ involvement in the war.

Disclaimer: All photos are curtesy of Lake Bluff and Lake Forest History Centers!

Opening of LFHS
For Fun

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