Olivia McCall

Senior Olivia McCall is quickly becoming TikTok famous. She has amassed a following of well over 100,000 people stemming from a viral video made in Mexico over winter break that has hit 3.7 million views.

The video, showing off her hotel under construction, was taken down when the hotel owners threatened to evict her family. However, she recently made the decision to make the video public again.

This boldness comes to no surprise to those who know her best.  “She often stands up for herself and others and isn’t afraid to use her voice,” said Katie Hopkins said.

Ashlyn Bloom added, “She is never afraid to give you the honest answer, even when it might not be something you want to hear.”

Olivia is also known for her kind, warm and quick to laugh personality.

“She is very empathetic, and I always go to her if I ever need any advice. She Can always make you laugh. Basically she is the whole package,” said Allie Lotts.

Outside of her TikTok fame, she is an amazing student with a 5.0 GPA. She works at the Lake Bluff Park District day camps in the summer and the daycare after school.

Olivia plans on attending the University of Colorado Boulder’s honor college, majoring in speech pathology. She hopes to work to teach kids with speech impediments.

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