Ruby Stockton
To come into Lake Forest High School as the youngest sibling is more daunting than it seems, especially when you have siblings with esteemed reputations for excellence. Phrases like “are you little Gracie?” or “You have to be Cameron’s baby sister” are probably heard by sophomore Ruby Stockton on a daily basis, yet this does not hold her back from pursuing excellence and making a name for herself in her own special way.
Having engaged in theatre, dance, photography, graphic design, and music, Stockton is the epitome of a diverse artist.
In music, she is about as involved as it gets. Not only is Stockton the librarian of the Balladiers singers, but she most recently served as a student leader for one of the two holiday a cappella ensembles in the choral department, the Bel Canto Singers.
Freshman Sheila Falls, a newcomer to this years group, says she “is not only a great friend, but a great role model as well.”
“Ruby is so easy to laugh with, but she is also incredibly dependable and passionate about everything she does–it’s really inspiring.”
Not only is Stockton committed to the musical arts, but her work in the visual arts department displays her creativity’s potential to its fullest. From designing the t-shirts for the upcoming winter play, to playfully Photoshopping images of her friends, to hosting spontaneous photo shoots with the people around her, her passion for photography and design shows through the quality of her work. This outlet is one she has been pursuing for years, something that no one else in her family has partaken in.
And, to put it simply, she excels in it.
Stockton is, however, continuing her family’s legacy in theatre. Most recently, she was adored by audiences as the oblivious guidance counselor Vera in She Kills Monsters, and she will soon take the stage again in Love/Sick this February.
Senior Michael Daniels not only admires her for her many talents, but her heart of gold as well.
“Ruby is an exceptionally talented and humbling human being,” says Daniels. “From singing, to acting, to dancing, she is among the best I’ve seen, and she owes it all to herself. But beyond her talent, Ruby’s most wonderful trait is the friendly and warm presence she brings with her wherever she goes. Even if she is having a bad day, she always finds a way to smile and laugh a little bit.”
Stockon is not just defined by her achievements as an artist; she makes it her goal to project her infectious positivity to everyone she meets. Her charisma and optimism allow her to make friends wherever she goes, and if you’re greeted with one of her famous hugs, you are guaranteed to be left with a smile on your face.
“What I love most about Ruby is that she never stops being herself at home or at school,” says sophomore Amelia Myers. “I have really gotten to know Ruby’s family overtime, her siblings especially, and while I can definitely see the many similarities they share, Ruby has always been Ruby. She constantly inspires me to stay true to myself, grounded, and grateful, and that why she is one of the people I am most grateful for in the end.”