Heidi Schoeller

Junior Heidi Schoeller has a natural ability to put a positive twist on any just about any situation.

“I’ve never seen Heidi in a bad mood,” said classmate Ben Andreesen.

She uses this attitude best in her role as an Integrated Wellness TA, assisting students in the Special Education department. She puts a lot of time into helping others. Her enthusiasm and sense of humor have a positive impact on the students throughout their wellness activities.

“Heidi is someone you can always count on,” said friend Madeleine Arch. “She’s such a hard worker and puts 110% into everything she does.”

Even with a difficult class schedule, Heidi plays for the varsity volleyball team and runs track in the spring.

On the varsity volleyball team, Heidi is a defensive specialist and while she was out sick for part of the season, she still brought an optimistic outlook and was a strong asset to the team.

“Heidi is such a sweet girl, and she always brings her bubbly energy onto the court. Playing with her is such a joy because she makes everything more lively,” said senior teammate Mary Margaret Reay.

From all her outstanding characteristics the one that sticks out the most is her loyalty to friends.

“Heidi is one of my best friends,” said junior CC Carter. “She always makes sure that she spends time with everyone that she’s close to, regardless of how busy she is with other things going on in her life.”

Junior LK Carr says she is the “most bubbly person” she has ever met.

“ She’s one of my best friends and works so hard to be the best person she can be in school and outside of it. She’s so caring and always puts her friends’ happiness and well being before herself,” said Carr.

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