Mr. Scott and I in 2018. He’s the master of quotes, always reminding us to be “quotable” people ourselves.

From The Editor: They Said It Best

In her final quarter as a high school senior, Editor-in-Chief Katie Pierce talks about stories and other events that have taught her valuable lessons for life.

I and many other students have had the pleasure of having a myriad of great teachers at LFHS for a number of years.  I personally have learned so much from each of them, and I somehow haven’t forgotten many of their best moments.

Okay, you got me.  I wrote a lot of it down.

They’re really goofy and really meaningful.  Some are seemingly pointless and random, and others are profound.  One is my senior quote.

My “best quotes” pages actually started by accident, when a friend shared a Google Doc with me and we compiled only the best quotes from our teachers and peers for all of freshman year, and then I continued the tradition for the years that followed.

I never really had to look for the quotes.  I could tell that something was a “best quote” by the way it was said, and the way it seemingly hung suspended in the air for the seconds following.  That’s when I would grab something to write with and scribble it down on a corner of my notes.  Four years later, there are four full pages of them.

These quotes drip with personality.  Those of you who have had Profe Yavetsky will recognize his humor immediately, and fans of Mr. Goldstein will soon be able to picture him saying what he said then.

Some of these quotes aren’t even from teachers.  How was I supposed to know how impactful Dwayne from Costco would be when he asked me about high school?  Upon telling him about my junior year studies at school during friendly checkout conversation, he was able to remind me of something that I forgot about: the end goal.  He reminded me with enthusiasm:

Every time I see that quote, I remember that moment when he said it and how his words hung in the air for me to catch.

Each one of these quotes has that kind of story to them.  I hope they make you smile, laugh, or even think a little bit when you read them.  And maybe think about making your own quote pages–it’s amazing how much they’ll mean to you when the end of your time here comes.


Teammates Always, Mr. Scott 1
Doug Waggoner

Mr. Austin Scott (English)

  • “Showing up is a part of growing up.”
  • “Life is real. Get a helmet.”
  • “I didn’t just invent a rainy day, I just have the best umbrella.”
  • “You gotta adapt, or die.”


Mr. Brad Ruda (English)

  • “Fiction is truth’s older sister.”
  • “It’s an inside joke I have with myself.”



Ms. Jane Eccleston (English)

  • “You’ve got to feel bad to get to a better place.” *almost my senior quote



Mr. Paul Goldstein (Math)

  • “Not a cloud in the sky, but there’s a lot of shade in here.”
  • “Why were there no forks in medieval times?  Because there were no forks in medieval times.”
  • “I’ve got to go get more chickens; I’ll be back.”
  • “No rush, hurry up.”
  • “Unicorns are seasonal creatures.”


Mr. Joseph Busse (Wellness)

  • “Mom, Dad… and Tacocat.”
  • “‘God hates liars.’  ‘God hates cheaters.’  Me too. I hate them. They’re dead to me.”
  • “Risk factors include disease, natural disasters and… Cauliflower?!”



Mr. Joe DeRosa (Social Studies)

  • “The feelings that you have aren’t real.”
  • “You are not your anxiety.”



Mr. Matthew Wilen (Science)

  • “This is a dictatorship, not a democracy.”
  • “Cause forces always come in ‘pears!’ *opens a pear*”
  • “I am perfect though; I don’t mess up.”



Profe Andre Yavetsky (Spanish)

  • “Your computer chip is very old and rusty; like the Russian nukes.”
  • “The present is a gift.  Take it.” *my senior quote
  • “You can hide, but you cannot run.”
  • “Not everyone’s the same, and that’s the beauty of this world.”
  • “Sometimes I’m kind of direct; I’m Russian.”
  • “That’s why people become happy when they retire–unless they die.”
  • “Life is a tragedy–you’ll figure this out.”


Mr. Robert Bassill (Orchestra)

  • “I keep it close to my heart, along with trash.”
  • “If you’re going to watch TV on your phone, then make sure the sound is off.”
  • “Like if you didn’t play piano, you’d be dead.”
  • “Last time I ran out of gum, I killed a trumpet player.” *my music department senior quote
  • “I know you all wanna be cool and go to prison someday.”

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